The Moore Legal Firm is a legal consulting firm located in Pennsylvania. The firm offers tools, tips, and strategies to help start-ups and established business owners formalize, structure, comply and protect their business in confidence.

Our CEO, Toni Moore, Esquire, The Wealth Building Lawyer, is an attorney and business strategist with over twenty years of business structuring, real estate, asset protection, and estate planning experience. For more than 15 years, Toni has created companies, restructured companies, developed and assessed Corporate Compliance Plans to ensure compliance with applicable rules and regulations. During the past 7 years, Toni has become obsessed with empowering entrepreneurs to build wealth through entrepreneurship.

Whether you are a team of one or many, we can help you set up your business success. Whether you need to legally launch a business, trademark your brands, copyright your corporate, negotiate a Buy Sale Agreement, get legal eyes on a Production Agreement, dismiss a business partner, or to protect your legacy with trust administration and estate planning options, we can help.

In so doing, we provide access to sophisticated strategies and consultation to help you run your business with confidence. We also provide access to our various legal boxes, legal masterclasses, legal academy and legal community to help you handle the legalities of governing your business.

Feel free to make an appointment to see how we can assist you and your team.


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Notice: This website is attorney advertising and does not establish an attorney-client relationship, which is only formed when you have signed an engagement agreement. We cannot guarantee results; past results do not guarantee future results.  If you would like to hire one of our attorneys, you can request a strategy session. We collect and process private information pursuant to our Privacy Policy.